
Fashion Feature

Melodrama Boutique  

5306 Almeda Rd  Houston, TX 77004 (713) 523-1608

Melodrama Boutique is Houston’s premiere high fashion women’s clothing and accessories boutique. Since opening in 2002, Melodrama has been a favorite among Houston Fashionista’s, savvy career women and stylish socialites. Located in Houston, TX in the historical museum district, at Melodrama you’ll find an exclusive selection of contemporary dresses, and innovative designer collections. Melodrama Website

Mister Style 


10 years in the fashion industry is an incredible feet. One that Chinedu Ukabam of ChineDesign sees as only a start. Rapper, graphic artist, fashion designer, Chinedu is a man of many talents and has worked hard in every area; H&M certainly thinks so. Picking Chinedu to bring his African Heritage and Travel inspired collection to its trend setting consumer base.  

Toronto based, U.K. Born and Nigerian raised Chinedu has quite the creative background, beginning his journey as a hip-hop emcee/ producer for Eye+Eye. While working on his Album Love.Life.Music the incredible idea of creating fashionable Graphic T-shirts to promote his album came about. The album slowly took a backseat to his graphic T-shirts when Chinedu sensed that he had something special. 3 years passed before Chinedu could finish his album as his graphic T-shirt’s took on a life of their own.  "Even with ebbs and flows it's about not stopping" Chinedu is still involved in music as a producer and stylist for music videos. Producing scores for his own fashion shows feeds the musical side of Chinedu for now but everyone knows that fashion and music go hand and hand. 

5 years into his rise to the top of the fashion industry, Chinedu decided to begin designing collections. One of his collections is titled Marrakech; where a photograph of towels on the floor transformed into a magical journey thru color and texture. Another one of Chinedu’s collections is entitled Masquerade. The vision behind this collection was African and South American masquerades. The Indigo and feather prints give the pieces an edgy appeal. Never having gone to school for fashion design made these collections a huge learning experience, but Chinedu's Masters in Business Administration certainly came in handy.

This largely independent designer has had to learn that every good designer has a team. "I wanted to do everything myself, at the age of 23, it did feel like I could do it all." Thankfully time and experience has transformed ChineDesign into a well-rounded and respected fashion label. Now with interns on hand "I never say no to a good idea"... "It doesn't have to come from my mind, as long as it fits my vision." In this one statement the wisdom of a seasoned designer is shown. 

             The fashion industry is a never ceasing world of collection design, promotions, fashion shows, and Pop Up shops leaving little room for anything else. In the midst of all the chaos Chinedu decided to discontinue the production of his Graphic T's in order to focus on his collections. The reversal of that decision was quick. "I had an epiphany; no reason why you should stop doing what works for you. Its bad business" the skill of delegation and prioritizing helped to balance the reproduction of Chinedu's Graphic T-shirt line and allowed him to still move forward with his collection design.

With all that has been happening for ChineDesign, Chinedu still has room on his plate. His collaboration with Sweden based H&M, Modern Batik Artist Gabrielle Lasporte, and Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche Art Festival will go down in history. This marriage of Art and Fashion will be the event to see and be seen come October 5th.  Chinedu and Artist Gabrielle Lasporte also have a cool new way to have your very own Personal Designer. Imagine taking a snapshot of your favorite print or fabric and posting it on Instagram. Then hash tagging it with a neat phrase i.e.  #regeneratorproject2013 and viola! Your newly uploaded print is now a custom designer garment for you to purchase. All of these things are still in the works but the future is bright for ChineDesign.  

With H&M keeping Chinedu busy, hopefully he can get his next collection out soon. His "Winter Warrior" Collection will surely be a thing of beauty; inspired by the Canadian and Swedish winters seasons. Chinedu's "At War With Winter" idea is just what the fashion industry needs. Outer wear that is every bit as fashionable as the clothes underneath it. The collection will be winter jackets with cutting edge designs, prints and textiles making it an international traveler’s spin on traditional winter clothing. If this collection is anything like his last; fashionable will have a brand new meaning.

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